The Cyberpunk 2077 Map of Night City appeared early on prior to the game’s release. These map layout indicators released early via promotional material, the first being the subway map. This is shown at the start of the first lengthy gameplay video (see below). This map gives a rough idea of zone positioning in relation to each other. That map was also expanded on with the help of the image used on the cover of World of Cyberpunk book (see below). It’s worth noting there is no subway system in the game, this was dropped for fast-travel NCART points.
Final Release and Current Interactive Map
Based on what we do know from gameplay reveals, the World of Cyberpunk book, and the Night City Wire Episode 3 maps, we launched an interactive map of Night City prior to release. Since release it has been brought right up to date and is an accurate representation of the actual in-game map. The map is actually more than just a map, it’s a database crammed full of information on NPCs, locations, and regions. If you want to know anything about the game world you’ll find it on the map and its markers. Check out the map here.
Archive Maps
Cyberpunk 2077 Map of Night City v2
The clearest map is one created by Svale Chow which was posted on Reddit on 29 June 2020 which details key locations, road layout, and more. It gives a much better sense of scale and the play area.
This map from Svale Chow is the second map (see first map below) includes added details with pieced together information from CD Projekt. Added details include scale, greenhouses, oil fields, and solar panels.
Map Color Indicators
- Red areas – Oil Fields
- Green area – Greenhouses
- Light Blue areas – Solar panels

CD Projekt has been keeping the game well under wraps pre-release. Hopefully, more of the key locations and map will be revealed prior to the game’s launch.
Cyberpunk 2077 Map of Night City v1

World of Cyberpunk 2077 Map
The map included in the World of Cyberpunk gives some “official” detail to the city layout, even it is currently sparse on location information. Thanks Devianaut.

Cyberpunk 2077 Metro Map
It’s worth noting that there will not be metro travel in the game but instead fast travel points will be used to traverse Night City.

World of Cyberpunk 2077 Book Cover Map

Cyberpunk 2020 Map
When the Night City book for Cyberpunk 2020 was released it included a 34×22 inch fold-out painted map. The map was made available to download for free on 25 July 2020.

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