
Pacifica Concept Art Spotlight from CD Projekt

Pacifica was once a major tourist district of Night City. It has seen better days following failed investments and is now controlled by the Haitian Netrunners gang the Voodoo Boys who now protect Pacifica.

The Unification War of 2069 arrived and investors withdrew their funding afraid of a new conflict from the south. This left a vacuum that was filled by the Voodoo Boys who unified to the locals to create a Creole community.

This was not always the case, however. The ultra-violent Voodoo Boys in Cyberpunk 2020 were not Haitian. This change was made for the game and has been endorsed and appreciated by Cyberpunk 2020 creator Mike Pondsmith who said:

 “The original Voodoo Boys were a scathing commentary on cultural appropriation. I LOVE the idea that real practitioners of Voudon moved in and took back their turf. And they even got the Creole right!”

The Voodoo Boys aren’t just netrunners devoted to uncovering the secrets of the Old Net and behind the Blackwall. They’re also edgerunners: breaking every rule there is to break, and programming viruses that can freeze neural networks.

Districts – West Wind Estate and Coast View

Following the Unification War, around 2070, the city attempted to redevelop Coast View and the West Wind Estate districts in Pacifica.

Prior to redevelopment, the residents had already constructed favelas and fought against redevelopment causing weeks of rioting and violence in the streets. The NCPD were successfully resisted by the Voodoo Boys gang who are in now in full control of Pacifica.

The corporate and city forces have no control here. Outsiders are not welcome and the Voodoo Boys decide what goes here and the residents have come to terms with that.

Voodoo Boys

Voodoo Boys, an enigmatic gang from Pacifica who control swathes of the region, aren’t just netrunners devoted to uncovering the secrets of the Old Net and behind the Blackwall. They’re also edgerunners breaking every rule there is to break, and programming viruses that can freeze neural networks.

voodoo boys

Although the Voodoo boys are a prolific gang, they are not the only gang in Pacifica. Also present in West Pacifica are the Animals. The Animals use ultra testosterone and animal supplements such as growth hormones and are animalistic at heart

Animals Logo

Animals – an aggressive street-fighting gang from west Pacifica that eschews the use of traditional cyberware. Instead, they use ultra testosterone and animal supplements (like growth hormones). They’re animalistic at heart, and dangerously proud of who they are.



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