The world is currently in unprecedented territory when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses are now having to change their working habits and CD Projekt is no exception. Today they posted an update on how the virus will affect their operations.
Many of you are probably wondering how things at CD ProjektĀ RED and how COVID-19 influences out day to day operations. Here’s a short update.
Over the past week, we have been adapting to the situation and gradually rolling out preventative measures across our entire organisation. We’ve also been upgrading equipment and infrastructure and working towards enabling our employees to work remotely from the safety of their homes.
Today, as a result of that preparation CD ProjektĀ RED switches to full remote work for as long as is needed. We think this will grant every team member the highest level of health safety. And while this is all a bit new to everyone, we are rising to the challenge and showing no signs of stopping in our effort to bring you some kick-ass role-playing action in September.
It’s great to see the company adapting quickly to the circumstances caused by this outbreak. As more people are being urged to avoid contact or self-isolate, it’s going to be hard for some companies to adapt and even survive.
Right now everyone needs to stay safe and avoid contact with others if possible to help stem the spread. Follow expert medical advice and keep a close eye on the situation as it develops.
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