We were so close. We thought it wasn’t possible at this late stage but it has happened. Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed until December.
The pandemic has caused havoc with a lot of development teams this year and CD Projekt is no exception. In the statement released this afternoon it which highlights the problems they have encountered having to release so many different versions of the game.
Although the game is feature complete and players could complete the game from start to finish, it’s apparent from this update that there is still work to be done for a day one patch. The post states that they have undercalculated the time required to get that patch ready across all platforms.
So there we have it. Cyberpunk 2077 will now release on 10 December, a further delay of 21 days. Here is the official announcement…

Today we have decided to move the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 by 21 days. The new release date is December 19th.
Most likely, there are many emotions and questions in your heads, so, first and foremost, please accept our humble apologies.
The biggest challenge for us right now is shipping the game on current-gen, next-gen, and PC at the same time, which requires us to prepare to and test 9 versions of it (Xbox One/X, compatibility on Xbox Series S|X, PS4.Pro, compatibility on PS5, PC, Stadia)… while working from home. Since Cyberpunk 2077 evolved towards almost being a next0-gen title somewhere along the way, we need to make sure everything works well and every version runs smoothly. We’re aware it might seem unrealistic when someone says 21 days can make any difference in such a massive and complex game, but they really do.
Some of you might also be wondering what these words mean in light us saying we achieved gold master some time ago. Passing certification, or ‘going gold’, means the game is ready, can be completed, and has all content in it. But it doesn’t mean we stop working on it and raising the quality bar. On the contrary, this is the time where many improvements are being made which can then be distributed via a day 0 patch. This is the time period we under calculated.
We feel we have an amazing game on our hands and are willing to make every decision, even the hardest ones, if it ultimately leads to you getting a video game you’ll fall in love with.
Adam Badowski & Marcin Iwinski.
As someone who has waited years for the game, a further 21 days is not a huge deal. If it really makes a difference to the quality of the final product as CD Projekt is suggesting then it will be worth it. Time to go and update the release date page once again, not something I through I would have to do again 🙁
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