Thanks for the note. Site Update

purecyberpunk site updates

I wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has been finding us over the past 24 hours. We’re working on a load of site stuff at the moment so a special thanks to whoever it was who managed to report a few bugs.

There were a few bugs lurking around on the site including the contact form that started playing up. Also, a few old links on pages had not updated as expected. All these issues were fixed today so a special thanks to the person who took the time to reach out with notes on problems via the submit news form. Beers for you!

At the moment we are organising various content sections in the back-end. Our main goal here at PureCyberpunk is to make finding reference content as easy as possible without the need to turn it into a wiki which can be frustrating to use and they can make it harder to find the things you may be looking for. I know this having run a huge wiki for over a decade and it became a nightmare. We are aiming for less waffle in content and aim to keep things on point.

Anyway, just a quick thanks again for stopping by. Shortly we’ll be putting a shout-out to any fans who want to get involved with the site whether it be writing content, articles, or even news. Watch out for that and do feel free to drop us a line at any time.

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