Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 and PS4 Pro gameplay footage released

Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 and PS4 Pro gameplay footage released

We’ve seen plenty of PC footage and more recently Xbox footage and today it’s the turn of Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 and PS4 gameplay to be revealed.

Console owners have seen how great the PC version looks so they’ve been waiting with bated breath to see how it looks on the Playstation systems. Footage included comes from both the Playstation systems so you can compare the quality.

I have to say it doesn’t look that great on either the PS4 or the PS5 with backward compatibility but we have to remember that there is a next-gen upgrade still to come after the game launches. If you’re a console owner wanting to get the most from the game it looks like you’ll either have to wait for the update or put up without the extras and start playing at launch.

Watch the Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Pro and PS5 gameplay footage

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